EXFO Solutions to Be Deployed in Alker Fibre Optic Specialists UK Lab

EXFO yesterday announced that Alker Fibre Optic Specialists, a worldwide supplier of fiber optics, is adding EXFO test & measurement solutions to its UK manufacturing lab for advanced diagnostics and quality assurance. Alker is a preferred supplier to companies across all sectors around the world, including such entities as the UK Ministry of Defence, Rolls Royce, and universities across Europe.

Alker has chosen the following EXFO solutions:

Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDRs)

  • MaxTester 720C: provides first-time-right fiber characterization due to its short ‘dead zones’ and effective dynamic range. This compact quad unit is optimized for singlemode and multimode testing in many environments.

Fiber inspection scopes

  • FIP-500 fiber inspection scope –self-contained unit that provides the fastest inspection in the industry with the most reliable results. Its quick connect mechanism allows swapping from single-fiber to multi-fiber and now to duplex connectors in a matter of seconds.
  • FIP-430B fiber inspection scope – fully-automated inspection scope featuring USB wired connectivity to PC and EXFO platforms.

Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS)

  • EXFO’s MaxTester 945 Fiber Certifier OLTS is a tablet-inspired test solution that certifies fiber cabling. The unit has an intuitive interface and provides icon-based functions and instant boot-up, as well as onboard assistance and onboard professional reporting.

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