Welcome to AGDC (Afghan Global Diaspora Council) Website

Dr. Monir Ahmad

Head Commission

  • Experience:05 Years
  • Company:Afghan Global Diaspora Council
  • Group:ADGC-Team

Dr. Monir Ahmad

Head Commission

Dr. Monir Ahmad was born in 1337 in Kabul to a family of military officers. After graduating from Ghazi High School in 1355, he joined the Faculty of Medicine of Kabul.University In 1999 he successfully obtained his specialized diploma as a specialist at the Moscow Medical Academy, and in 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the same academy. Dr. Ahmed has long been involved in treating patients and teaching at the Institute of Medicine. Since 1999, he has been engaged in medical research at the University of Ottawa and has published dozens of scientific articles in international journals. From a young age, Monir Ahmad had a significant role in the political and social activities of the students, and during the years of emigration, he did not hesitate to work with Afghan refugees and solve their problems. Dr. Monir lives in Ottawa today with his wife and his three daughters.